Terri Christopher’s family chose to acquire a new dog in honor of their cherished pet after losing a vital member. After giving it some thought, they decided to go from Florida to Alabama in order to pick up Dakota, a cute dog that is the newest member of her family.The gorgeous dog has lived a good life with his devoted family, toured the world and experienced their love while residing in several beautiful locations, but his favorite spot of all is the beach.
His family takes him to the beach to spend his birthday there because he used to like playing in the waves as a kid.
Dakota’s mother, Terri, said to The Dodo:
It almost seems as though Dakota knew what we had gone through and that he was the one who saved us from the time she was a tiny baby. She has never behaved like a puppy and has always had a laid-back disposition
The day of Dakota’s birthday is a significant holiday for her family, and they make an effort to show her how much they cherish and adore every second they have spent together. Of course, Dakota loves being the focus of attention of her family.
Terri reports:
“We have always made a great deal out of his birthday. Typically, she spends the day at the beach grinning broadly… Birthdays become more meaningful as she grew older, and we are fortunate to have been given another year.
His family is constantly seeking for ways to do something special for their gorgeous canine friend as the years start to take a toll on the beloved dog’s physique and beach excursions aren’t always as enjoyable as they once were.
This year would be no different, so they made a sweet sign to put on the car’s passenger door declaring that it was their beloved pet’s 14th birthday and that they would go for a stroll to encourage others to toast him. They just need a bit of your attention to celebrate their birthday; overall, Dakota was extremely content.
Terry remembers:
“Last year, when I was 13, we performed the ‘honk for my birthday’ sign and the vehicle trip for the first time. He responded amazingly and appeared to love the attention. ”
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