A Brave Motorcyclist Stops Traffic To Save A Kitten Stranded In The Middle Of The Road

Quentin Leroy may not have spotted her if he hadn’t blinked.

He did, however, catch a glance just in time.

Late last month, while out on a motorbike ride near his home in Belgium, Leroy came across a small creature curled in the most precarious of places – a kitten on the verge of tragedy.

“I was taken aback,” Leroy said to The Dodo. “‘No!’ I yelled. ‘There’s a cat in the middle of the road!’

Leroy pulled over without hesitation. He and another car who had stopped came to a halt to save the kitten’s life.

“The cat was terrified,” Leroy said.

Leroy was unable to carry the kitten onward himself, but fortunately, the driver who stopped agreed to take her to safety. Afterward, the kitten was placed with a local rescue group.

Silky, as she’s now named, is currently in a foster home awaiting adoption by a forever family.

For rushing into action that day, the eagle-eyed Leroy has been hailed as a hero. He claims, though, that he was merely following his heart.

“I couldn’t leave her,” Leroy said, adding of the other driver, “I’m relieved that I wasn’t the only one who had that response.”

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