Two years ago, Daisy Austin, an adoption coordinator at a veterinary clinic in West Hollywood, California, collaborated with coworkers there. She had no intention of adopting a cat from their shelter, but fate had other plans.
As she entered the room for guests, Marmee the cat caught her attention. She approached me directly, Daisy relates, and “began rubbing her face against each of my fingers, purring repeatedly.”
When Marmee was picked up from the street and brought to a shelter, she was in poor condition. She was worn out and her coat was matted and dirty.
There were also wounds all over the face and a neglected cold.
Marmi was not very educated, but she wanted one thing – to be loved. As soon as she noticed Daisy, she stared at her with sad eyes and rubbed herself against the cage, asking for caresses.
Daisy knew that the shelter did not have the resources to keep this cat, so she decided to act quickly.
Marmi is about ten years old, but she behaves like a young girl. After bathing three times and shaving off all the tangles, the cute kitty stretched out on Daisy’s lap and murmured to herself a lullaby.
Tests showed she had feline immunodeficiency virus, and she was diagnosed with stomatitis (inflammation of the gums), Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS, fragility of connective tissues) and other chronic diseases, including respiratory problems.
But Marmi doesn’t consider herself ill. She still looks faithfully into the eyes of her man when she purrs and demands attention.
The cat had all her teeth removed due to stomatitis. Her hunger came back in less than a day, and she started gaining weight and strength.
The adorable cat has a lot of excess skin on its neck because of the EDS, which makes it vulnerable to injury and slow to recover. She never complains about her ailments and is always cheerful.
Marmi is simply content to be able to take a sleep on warm laps and to be looked after by a kind human.
“Her will to live is invincible. All doctors are amazed when they examine her and see her story. She loves to cuddle, drool over me, loves to play and follow me around the apartment,” says Daisy.
“If I’m in the kitchen, she’s staring at me from the countertop. If I’m in the dressing room, she watches me fold my clothes. If I’m on the couch, she’s on my lap.”
Marmy is no longer the frail, thin cat from the shelter. She now carries almost twice as much weight and exudes luxury and devotion.
Along with enjoying meals, she also loves taking walks with her “mother”.
She is so enamored with it that she rolls about on the grass while constantly purring. She enjoys soaking up the sun in our new flat as well!
Marmi follows Daisy about the home and into the bathroom as if she were a constant guardian and supervisor.
Daisy’s day begins with Marmee waking her up by treading her paws and purring blissfully into her ears.
Every night, before going to bed, she curls up next to “mother”, and does not want to sleep anywhere else.
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