Lazuli’s family soon learned that she really, truly likes sinks after taking in Lazuli and her sister Lapis when they were only small kittens.
Lazuli will spend several hours a day just hanging out in the sinks around her house. She loves them so much that, eventually, her parents had a brilliant idea: Why not buy her a sink of her own?
“She kept sneaking into the bathrooms as we were leaving them to relax in sinks and then would yell for help when she realized she was stuck in there without the rest of her pack/pride,” Brennan, Lazuli’s dad who asked that his last name not be included, told The Dodo.
The parents of Lazuli and Lapis wanted to buy Lazuli her very own sink to install in her own room since she and Lapis both had their own space in the house. They went to Home Depot and looked around the sink selection before choosing the one they felt Lazuli would enjoy the best and bringing it home.
It was only a few dollars extra than the majority of cat trees and toys, so Brennan felt it was worthwhile. It was simple for her to put up because it isn’t really that heavy as you may imagine.
Once the sink was all set up, it was presented to Lazuli — and the happiness on her face when she realized the sink was just for her was absolutely priceless.
“She’s essentially saying … ‘Really?! My own sink just for me,’” Brennan said.
Lazuli now makes use of her sink whenever she can. She enjoys spending a lot of time in it, and fortunately for her, her cat siblings don’t share her enthusiasm.
“It’s quite popular in the summer, but only with Lazuli,” Brennan said. “The other cats don’t seem to care about it.”
The sink is exclusively for Lazuli, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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