I Unintentionally Discovered That My Husband Sneaks Out Every Night – One Evening, I Chose to Track Him

When Portia wakes up to find her husband Hunter missing in the middle of the night, she’s consumed by suspicion. The next night, she follows him, uncovering a secret that threatens to unravel their fragile bond. Can their love survive the truth she discovers?

I’ve always been the type of person who holds on too tight. It’s not that I want to be overbearing; it’s just that I’ve always been afraid of losing the ones I love.

Growing up in a house that felt more like a battlefield than a home does that to you.

My parents were neglectful at best and downright abusive at worst. They left me with deep-seated insecurities and an unshakable fear of abandonment.

So when Hunter came into my life, he was like a lifeline. My savior. He was everything I had ever wanted—kind, attentive, and, most importantly, stable. I clung to him with all my might.

I guess that’s where the problems started.

Hunter needed his space, but I couldn’t give it to him. I was terrified that if I loosened my grip, I’d lose him, too.

Our arguments were frequent and intense. Hunter would accuse me of being too clingy, of suffocating him.

“Portia, you need to give me some space!” he’d shout.

And I’d counter, tears streaming down my face, “I just love you so much, Hunter. Can’t you see that?”

In the end, I always managed to manipulate the situation in my favor. I’d play the victim card, and Hunter, with his big heart, would relent. But I knew, deep down, that this wasn’t sustainable.

One night, something strange happened. I’m usually a heavy sleeper, but for some reason, I woke up in the middle of the night. I reached out for Hunter, but his side of the bed was cold and empty.

Panic set in immediately. I got up and searched the house, calling out his name.

I glanced over at Portia, who was still asleep, her face streaked with dried tears. I sighed, rubbing my face, trying to shake off the lingering frustration.
“Hunter? Hunter, where are you?” But there was no response. He was nowhere to be found, and his car wasn’t in the garage.

He must’ve gone out, but where?

I eventually went back to sleep, certain I’d hear the full story in the morning. I was wrong. I woke up to Hunter bringing me my first cup of coffee with a big grin on his face.

“Morning,” he said, kissing me on the cheek like it was just another day.

“Uh, morning. Is everything okay?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

“Great! It’s a beautiful day, and I slept like a baby. Didn’t wake up at all,” he replied with a casual smile.

That lie hit me like a punch to the gut. I felt like the ground had shifted beneath my feet.

“You were gone,” I whispered, more to myself than to him.

“What was that?” he asked, clearly not hearing me.

“Nothing,” I said, forcing a smile. But inside, I was a storm of emotions. I couldn’t shake the feeling that he was hiding something from me.

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