My Father-in-Law Humiliated a Waiter, but Karma Struck When He Least Expected It

Greed led my father-in-law to cause a ruckus in a restaurant, leaving tension and strife in his wake. However, little did he know that his ego was about to be humbled when an unexpected twist arose from the karma of his actions. What started as a man trying to get his way turned into him learning a valuable life lesson that had continually eluded him.

At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, I’ve always believed in karma. You know, the idea that what goes around, comes around. But never in my wildest dreams did I expect to witness it unfold so vividly and immediately as it did one evening with my father-in-law (FIL), Benjamin.

This man, bless his heart, operates under the assumption that the universe, with all its cosmic might, revolves around him and is essentially supposed to cater to all his needs and wants. And on this particular day, karma decided to give him a reality check.

Let me paint the picture: My husband, Sam, and I, Linda, were dining out with him at a local restaurant Benjamin claimed to be the “best in the state.” He’s the kind of guy who orders as if preparing for an impending food shortage—four burgers, fries, the works!

As our patient waiter returned to the kitchen after bringing us our food, my FIL discreetly set aside one burger, a minor detail that would later unravel into an epic tale of instant karma.

We watched in shock as Benjamin erupted like a volcano at the returning waiter, disbelief and indignation painting his face upon realizing there was a “missing” burger. “I ordered four burgers. Why are there only three?!” he bellowed across the table, attracting unwanted attention.

The waiter, a paragon of patience, politely assured him, “I made sure I put them all in the bag, sir.”


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