Calvin has never been scared to express his opinions because he was adopted when he was just 9 months old.
Calvin’s mother Olivia Theobald described her son as “stubborn and sarcastic, yet very loving and likes the company of others” to The Dodo.
“The Aristocats” was always Theobald’s favorite Disney movie as a kid, and when she put it on recently, she couldn’t help but notice that, out of nowhere, Calvin was completely enthralled.
“[I] noticed that he was watching,” Theobald said. “Calvin loves other cats and I think he really likes when the cats in the movie are meowing.”
Theobald was unaware that Calvin’s enjoyment of the movie, which he saw in its entirety, was going to turn into an obsession.
After that, whenever she tried to watch another movie, Calvin would start to meow hysterically until she finally settled on “The Aristocats.” There was no going back when he declared it to be his all-time favorite movie.
Theobald couldn’t help but post a video of Calvin on TikTok to see if anyone had ever seen anything like his obsession before, and everyone quickly fell in love with the Disney cat. They suggested Theobald try out other cat/animal-themed Disney movies to see what his reaction would be, and she immediately set about experimenting.
“We tried ‘The Lion King’ — he liked that one and he loves videos of squirrels and birds,” Theobald said.
It turns out that Calvin really just loves watching videos of other animals, animated or not.
Theobald remarked, “I think he enjoys the noises the best, particularly meowing, which is why he adores ‘The Aristocats’. He begins searching for kittens or cats whenever I view footage of them,
Calvin adores animal films and videos of all types, but “The Aristocats” will always be his favorite, and he will undoubtedly keep wanting to see it.
Credits: dailycats.us
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