Tom Cruise, the Hollywood heartthrob, was taken aback by rumors of a “new” love

Tom Cruise hasn’t spoken anything about a serious love relationship in a while, as far as the general public knows.

Fifteen years have passed since Cruise and Katie Holmes, his third wife, were divorced.

Despite being one of the most famous people on the globe, the 61-year-old actor doesn’t seem to have had much luck in the dating arena.

Recently, there have been rumors connecting Cruise to Hayley Atwell, his co-star in Mission: Impossible, and to Colombian pop singer Shakira, who also went through a divorce. But it doesn’t seem like these rumors are really trustworthy.

Fans of Tom Cruise could soon get to see their idol with a new woman.

Elsina Khayrova, his 36-year-old ex-wife, is allegedly seeing a Russian millionaire for romantic purposes.

Rumor has it that Tom Cruise and Elsina Khayrova were spotted together at a party in Mayfair, London. She was formerly married to Dmitry Tsvetkov, a member of the Russian parliament, and her father is one of them.

Some who were there at the party said they appeared to be inseparable.

He appeared to be enamored with her, as one onlooker described it. To the joy of everybody, they came at the event till around nine o’clock in the evening.

The source for the Mail stated, “Cruise was really nice – people kept asking for pictures, but he kept saying no politely.”

Later, Mr. Cruise requested no pictures, and the DJ had to inform everyone of this in Russian.

“He danced with Ms. Khayrova most of the night, but at one point he was just dancing for fun in the middle of a group of women.”

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