On a Malaysian highway, Masz Masuri was traveling with his kid when he noticed something white on the road. He initially mistook it for a piece of plastic. However, when he came closer, he observed pointed ears and realized it was a cat.
Masuri put his foot down and slammed on the brakes. Traffic raced by, and vehicles honked their horns, but Masuri was unfazed – he jumped out of the car and dashed up to the terrified cat, who was squeezed against the concrete barrier.
Masuri, a cofounder of Kitty Konnexion Community, an organization that rescues homeless cats in Singapore and Malaysia, told The Dodo, “It was terrified and coated in filth.” “[The cat’s] body trembled and was covered in its own feces, yet it didn’t fight back.”
Masuri picked up the cat, whom he named Danga Boy, and put him into the back seat of the car. Danga Boy meowed loudly and hid under the seat, but he also seemed relieved to be off the highway, according to Masuri.
Masuri has no idea how Danga Boy got on the highway in the first place, but he had a theory.
“It appeared like Danga Boy was connected to either a harness or a leash and pulled across the road when it became loose, and when it dropped, it most likely shattered the limb,” Masuri added.
Danga Boy had a shattered leg as a result of whatever had occurred to him; it was so awful that he couldn’t move his leg at all.
Masuri transported Danga Boy to a veterinary facility, where he has been receiving therapy ever since.
Masuri shared photos of Danga Boy on social media that night, which helped him find a new family.
“A Good Samaritan offered to take over his case from us and request they not be named … to maintain their privacy, and we respect that,” Masuri said. “They even absorbed all medical bills from us and we ceased appeal for funds from then on.”
Danga Boy will be taken to his new home as soon as he is discharged from the vet facility on Sunday. He will be living with many other cats.
“He’ll be a very happy kitten,” Masuri predicted, “with many of his siblings waiting for him at home.” “For a common stray like Danga Boy, it’s typically difficult to find someone to adopt him right away, so getting a response before the day’s end makes me extremely happy.”
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