Mandy and Jack are happily married, enjoying their carefree, childless life together, and often spending time with Jack’s childhood friends. But over the last few months, Mandy notices Jack leaving her out of group gatherings, giving vague excuses about it being “just the guys.” Though she initially believes him, Mandy starts to feel suspicious after a chance encounter with Marcia, the wife of Jack’s friend Kevin, at the grocery store.
During their chat, Marcia reveals that Jack told everyone Mandy was undergoing IVF treatments, a complete surprise to her. Stunned, Mandy plays along, hiding her confusion about this lie and wondering why Jack would fabricate such a story. Feeling deceived, she later checks their shared calendar and sees an invite for an upcoming “wives included” dinner that Jack hadn’t mentioned. She RSVPs for both of them, intending to show up unannounced and find out what’s really happening.
On the night of the dinner, Mandy surprises Jack by taking him to the event without explaining their destination. When they arrive, Mandy is shocked to see Jack’s ex-girlfriend, Sasha, among the friends. Even more surprising, Sasha is now married to Mark, one of Jack’s close friends, and seems very comfortable with Jack, directing much of her attention his way. Mandy’s confusion grows as she tries to understand why Jack hid Sasha’s return from her.
After the dinner, Mandy confronts Jack about his secrecy. Jack admits that Sasha felt it would be better if Mandy stayed away, citing a history of petty conflicts between them. Mandy reminds Jack that he should have let her decide if she wanted to see Sasha, rather than making the choice for her. Jack apologizes, insisting there’s nothing between him and Sasha, though Mandy remains hurt by his decision to keep her in the dark.
Back home, Mandy addresses another concern: Jack’s lie about her undergoing IVF. Jack confesses he made it up on the spot when the friends asked about Mandy, claiming he was just trying to deflect questions. The couple reaffirms that they’re content with their choice not to have children, something they’d previously discussed and agreed on, including a mutual openness to adopt if they ever changed their minds.
That night, Mandy reflects on Jack’s intentions to protect her from Sasha’s antagonism and his apparent blunder with the IVF story. Although she’s reassured by their talk, Mandy remains wary about the group’s dynamics, uncertain how things will play out in the future. As she drifts off, she hopes Jack will keep his word and stop hiding things from her, especially with Marcia’s gossip-loving nature always ready to fill in the gaps.
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