She Took This Photo Of Her Daughter In The Park And Uploaded It To Facebook, But People Got Extremely Worried

People were left baffled after looking at the image, which shows the child posing in a park, with her hands in front of her waist.

At first glance, it appears the girl’s legs are unusually long and skinny, but it’s an optical illusion.

Take a look for yourself in the picture below…

Twitter users admitted that they were baffled by the photo, but upon closer inspection they realised the child was holding a bag of popcorn that is very similar in colour to the patchy grass she is standing on.

The photo has been shared more than 250,000 times on Facebook and more than 37,000 people have commented on it, including many who couldn’t figure out what was happening. Please make sure to Share this on FB so all your friends can check it out.

Most people are confused by this puzzle after seeing the image illusion provided here. However, some people could quickly identify the answer. In contrast, others could not get their guesses and answers right.

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