Ariel Heath noticed four kittens in her yard a few months ago. They drank from a dog bowl because there was no mother cat around. “They heard us, dashed under the fence, and took refuge in some bushes outside the property,” Ariel explains.

The woman inquired of her neighbors, but no one knew anything about the kittens, and no one had seen them. She started leaving food outdoors in the hopes that the small visitors would return.
“Products always vanished in half an hour or less, but the kittens went undiscovered.”
A few days later, the family heard meowing from the back door. It turned out that one kitten came, the smallest in the litter. “He was shy and would run away if we were moving too fast.”
Ariel placed the filled bowl against the fence and lay in wait. “I meowed, and the kitten approached slowly, stealthily. The other three never showed up.
“After a while, he came into the yard with increased confidence and ate right next to me, as long as I stayed motionless.” The task of taming the wild child took a long time.”
The kitty began to visit multiple times a day for food. He walked over to the window and peeked in, signaling his presence to his family.
“Eventually, I established enough trust in him that I was able to pet him and feed him straight from my hand.”
They recognized the animal had welcomed them and had made him a permanent member of the family at that point.
“When we didn’t know she was a female, we named her Billy.” I brought her to the veterinarian’s office. Her health was exceptional for a cat who had spent her whole existence on the street. We spayed her, vaccinated her, and treated her for parasites so she wouldn’t become sick and infect the other cats in the neighborhood.”
Affectionate kitty quickly became attached to Ariel’s son, they loved to walk in the yard and play together.
Every day she meets him at the door when he comes home from school.
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