Shea A Prior made the decision to feed a stray cat she saw hanging out in her backyard a few months ago. This stray was initially timid, but she eventually warmed to the dish. Prior was delighted that the adorable cat had at last come to rely on her and eat from her.
Prior noticed the cat was producing milk as she was being fed, indicating that she was nursing her young. As Prior said to The Dodo, “I was patting her and proceeded to take her up and that’s when I saw she had milk in and had been feeding some babies.”
Prior wanted to help the family, but she didn’t know where they were. She guessed that the mama hid her babies somewhere nearby. “I started telling her to show me to her babies, and that I bet her babies were so pretty,” Prior said.
Amazingly, the mother cat seemed to comprehend what Prior had stated, so the following day, the cat took Prior to meet her kittens. The mother was overjoyed to introduce Prior to her five adorable kittens. The cat obviously trusted Prior and knew that she would do her best to protect and warm her family.
“She came running up to me and rubbed on my leg while making her little croaking noise she does,” Prior said. “She led me over to my shed and I looked and saw a couple little fluffballs staring back at me. She flopped over on her side and started calling to them to come out and see me.”
The kittens were initially too terrified to emerge from hiding, but after some reassurance from their mother, they eventually had the courage to do so and greet Prior.
The kittens were initially too terrified to emerge from hiding, but after some reassurance from their mother, they eventually had the courage to do so and greet Prior.
As soon as Prior met the adorable family, she knew she had to help them and took them all in. “I will be adopting mama cat to live with me and my other two sweet girlies! All the babies have found homes and will be adopted as soon as mama is ok with it. But for now, everyone is doing great,” she said.
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