A woman noticed a little, squeaky noise emanating from some shrubs in her backyard late one day. She searched about in the bushes for a while, then out came the smallest kitten ever, unwell and in need of assistance.
Knowing she wouldn’t be able to assist the ailing kitten on her own, the woman reached out to Sandra Lee, a well-known Los Angeles cat fosterer. Even though Lee had recently taken in another special care cat, she knew she couldn’t say no when she saw the small kitten’s image.
“She was found when she was approximately 6 to 8 weeks old, but it was a little difficult to accurately age her because she was so dehydrated and malnourished for her age,” Lee told The Dodo. “She had the characteristics of a 6- to the 8-week kitten, yet weighed barely a pound, which is about the average weight for a 4-week-old kitten. Upon first sight, she was so dehydrated, that every backbone in her spine was visible. She was covered in fleas, and we would shortly discover she was suffering from medical ailments.”
It was evident as soon as Lee brought the kitten, later named Livvie, home with her that her road to recovery would not be simple. The poor animal could hardly move and appeared to be suffering from some sort of neurological condition. She was also unable to defecate on her own, despite attempting hundreds of times every day.
“To be honest, I wasn’t sure she’d make it the first two nights,” Lee said. “All I wanted to do was provide her a warm home and a secure area.” “I honestly would be frightened to check on her for the first week since she was so unwell.”
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