A garbage collector in Oregon rescued a kitten that had been put upside down in a trash container and was coated with spray foam.
On May 3, the Hillsboro Garbage Disposal driver was using a hydraulic arm to empty the container when he heard whining.
‘Upon closer examination, he discovered a little cat encased in spray foam hanging upside down from its rear legs,’ according to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office.
The eight-week-old kitten was discovered in a trash can that had been suffocated by stiff smothering spray foam. ‘It couldn’t have been there for very long, or he would have suffocated; the head, face, and legs were all covered, and he couldn’t move them.’
The kitten is being cared for at the Bonnie L. Hays Small Animal Shelter of Washington County Animal Services and is anticipated to make a full recovery.
The perpetrators of this heinous act of animal cruelty are being investigated by the police.
The animal shelter took the sad kitten in until she could find a good home and be surrounded by warmth and security, after bringing her to the vet and naming her Grundgetta. Meanwhile, they looked into the situation and sought to figure out who might have done such a terrible thing to the innocent kitty.
“She was innocent and nice, and she didn’t deserve to be tormented like that.” “I’m pleased she’s well and safe,” says the author.
“I was just trying to do the right thing by making sure the cat was safe and getting the treatment she needed,” he explained.
And, without a doubt, the cat is now in good care!
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