The poor blinԀ cat was found in the parking lot when he was just a tiny kitten, when the rescuers saw him, he was in a b.a.d conԀition and really needs medical attention. The North Shore Animal League America rescued the poor kitten and they did everything to get him back to health. Sadly, his eyes were underdeveloped and uṣeless that’s why the rescuers made a decision to reṃove his eyes.
After the surgery, they also found out that the kitten was suffering from cerebellar hypoplasia, which is a neurological condition that causes him severe balance issues. He was put into a foster home with Beth Stern while waiting for someone who will adopt him.
We all know that it’s hard for special pets to find a new home but this kitten didn’t take long to have a perfect person. A woman named Susan smith saw him on Instagram and she quickly fell in love with the blind cat and decided to take him home and named him Donny.
“He was wobbling and bumping into things but just kept running around. He would fall down but get right back up with the most incredible spirit I’d ever seen. Life had thrown him a double whammy but he was the happiest guy we’d ever met. That was a Friday night and I picked him up on Sunday morning.” Smith said
When they finally arrived home, his new mom knew that there was something special with Donny.
“He has no idea he’s different so he does whatever everyone else is doing, including climbing to the highest perch on the cat tree and then falling off when he wants to come down, that’s why my floor is covered in pillows and mats. When he hears me come home from work, he’s in the front window and then falls on a mat and is waiting by the front door.” Smith explained
People who meet the adorable cat said that he was easygoing so her mom decided to try enrolling him as a therapy cat because Smith knew that Donny had the right temperament to be handled by people and she hopes that the role will fit her beloved cat.
From that day, Donny started to visit old patients who have Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Soon he will start working in libraries and schools too but his main job as a therapy cat is to have a lovely bond with patients by sitting in their laps and giving them a lot of love and comfort and Donny looks like he really loves his job.
“As soon as we get there, he is an entirely different cat. I swear somehow, he knows he has an important job to do. If we were at home, he would never sit on someone’s lap for that length of time.” Smith said
Donny’s grandma has cɑncer and it was very aggressive but her tum.or ended up shrinking faster than the family thought it would. Now, the grandma is now cancer-free. Donny keeps his grandma’s spirit up while she was in the hospital and recovering at home and Smith knew that Donny has a big part in her grandma’s overall health.
According to Smith, Donny and his grandma were very attached to each other and the grandma was very happy to watch Donny wandering around her house without bumping into things.
Despite being totally blin.d, Donny and his unique attitude inspire everyone who sees him because he loves showing them that everything is possible. Smith also decided that her beloved cat will continue to help other people by being the world’s best therapy cat.
Right from the very beginning, Donny was the most loving, gentle cat for his lovely family and they are so happy to have him in their life.
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