Excellent friends A Brisbane cat rescue called Felines after receiving a call from a woman who wanted help with her pregnant cat. She was accepted into the rescue’s Last Litter Program, where they help nurture the kittens and find homes for them.

She will be desexed and given back to her owners once the kittens have been weaned, according to Nikki of Best Friends Felines. “Rico the cat was picked up by one of our caregivers. She felt a little confused and uneasy about what was going on. However, she was engaging in roly-poly actions for belly tickles and pats within 48 hours.”
Rico was pleased with all the amenities and food. Despite her belly bursting at the seams, she was able to jump up to the top platform of a cat tree, her favorite spot, until a few days later.
In barely three hours, she gave birth to six tiny, beautiful kids.
Rico jumped straight into becoming a mother, feeding and cleaning up after six hungry mouths. Every time she entered the room, she continued to beg for attention from her primary supporter.
She enjoys hugs and will come for pats, but she is a lovely and watchful mother and will run back to the babies if they make a sound.
For the first week, Rico stayed close to her babies and hardly left their side. She devoured the meal that was brought to her in bed and kept herself nourished all day.
As time passed, she began to leave her nest, leaving her young sleeping in a warm puddle, to seek out more “me-time” and attention from her humans.
“All six kittens had the most cute tiny round bellies at seven days old. Their eyes had just begun to open, anxious to explore the world, but they had not yet developed much of a personality.”
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