What Reeves’ Gray-Haired Fiancée Looked Like in Her Youth Before Her Affair With the Hollywood Actor

Keanu Reeves’ fiancée, Alexandra Grant, has recently celebrated her 50th birthday. According to media reports, the 58-year-old Hollywood actor is said to be getting married for the first time, and the lucky lady is none other than Alexandra Grant.

Her achievement is deemed almost miraculous, as she managed to capture the heart of one of the most sought-after bachelors in Hollywood. Naturally, this news has stirred discussions across the internet, particularly focusing on the appearance of the bride-to-be, Alexandra Grant.

Fans of the actor have noticed that 50-year-old Alexandra appears older than the 58-year-old star due to her gray hair. Grant herself shared in an interview that she started going gray at a relatively young age, even as early as her twenties. In an effort to maintain a natural and authentic look, the soon-to-be Mrs. Reeves prefers not to use hair dye, considering its potential effects on women’s bodies.

Journalists took their curiosity one step further and unearthed archival photographs of Alexandra before her hair turned gray and before her romance with the Hollywood icon began.

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